Saturday, August 31, 2019

Part Five Chapter VII

XII Halfway down his packet of Rolos, Robbie became extremely thirsty. Krystal had not bought him a drink. He climbed off the bench and crouched down in the warm grass, where he could still see her outline in the bushes with the stranger. After a while, he scrambled down the bank towards them. †M thirsty,' he whined. ‘Robbie, get out of it!' screamed Krystal. ‘Go an' sit on the bench!' ‘Wanna drink!' ‘Fuckin' – go an' wai' by the bench, an' I'll gerra drink in a minute! Go ‘way, Robbie!' Crying, he climbed back up the slippery bank to the bench. He was accustomed to not being given what he wanted, and disobedient by habit, because grown-ups were arbitrary in their wrath and their rules, so he had learned to seize his tiny pleasures wherever and whenever he could. Angry at Krystal, he wandered a little way from the bench along the road. A man in sunglasses was walking along the pavement towards him. (Gavin had forgotten where he had parked the car. He had marched out of Mary's and walked straight down Church Row, only realizing that he was heading in the wrong direction when he drew level with Miles and Samantha's house. Not wanting to pass the Fairbrothers' again, he had taken a circuitous route back to the bridge. He saw the boy, chocolate-stained, ill-kempt and unappealing, and walked past, with his happiness in tatters, half wishing that he could have gone to Kay's house and been silently cradled †¦ she had always been nicest to him when he was miserable, it was what had attracted him to her in the first place.) The rushing of the river increased Robbie's thirst. He cried a bit more as he changed direction and headed away from the bridge, back past the place where Krystal was hidden. The bushes had started shaking. He walked on, wanting a drink, then noticed a hole in a long hedge on the left of the road. When he drew level, he spotted a playing field beyond. Robbie wriggled through the hole and contemplated the wide green space with its spreading chestnut tree and goal posts. Robbie knew what they were, because his cousin Dane had showed him how to kick a football at the play park. He had never seen so much greenness. A woman came striding across the field, with her arms folded and her head bowed. (Samantha had been walking at random, walking and walking, anywhere as long as it was nowhere near Church Row. She had been asking herself many questions and coming up with few answers; and one of the questions she asked herself was whether she might not have gone too far in telling Miles about that stupid, drunken letter, which she had sent out of spite, and which seemed much less clever now †¦ She glanced up and her eyes met Robbie's. Children often wriggled through the hole in the hedge to play in the field at weekends. Her own girls had done it when they were younger. She climbed over the gate and turned away from the river towards the Square. Self-disgust clung to her, no matter how hard she tried to outrun it.) Robbie went back through the hole in the hedge and walked a little way along the road after the striding lady, but she was soon out of sight. The half-packet of remaining Rolos were melting in his hand, and he did not want to put them down, but he was so thirsty. Maybe Krystal had finished. He wandered back in the opposite direction. When he reached the first patch of bushes on the bank, he saw that they were not moving, so he thought it was all right to approach. ‘Krystal,' he said. But the bushes were empty. Krystal was gone. Robbie started to wail and shout for Krystal. He clambered back up the bank and looked wildly up and down the road, but there was no sign of her. ‘Krystal!' he yelled. A woman with short silver hair glanced at him, frowning, as she trotted briskly along the opposite pavement. Shirley had left Lexie at the Copper Kettle, where she seemed happy, but a short way across the Square she had caught a glimpse of Samantha, who was the very last person she wanted to meet, so she had taken off in the opposite direction. The boy's wails and squawks echoed behind her as she hurried along. Shirley's fist was clutched tightly around the EpiPen in her pocket. She would not be a dirty joke. She wanted to be pure and pitied, like Mary Fairbrother. Her rage was so enormous, so dangerous, that she could not think coherently: she wanted to act, to punish, to finish. Just before the old stone bridge, a patch of bushes shivered to Shirley's left. She glanced down and caught a disgusting glimpse of something sordid and vile, and it drove her on. Part Five Chapter VII VII ‘Fuckin' shurrup, Robbie! Shurrup!' Krystal had dragged Robbie to a bus stop several streets away, so that neither Obbo nor Terri could find them. She was not sure she had enough money for the fare, but she was determined to get to Pagford. Nana Cath was gone, Mr Fairbrother was gone, but Fats Wall was there, and she needed to make a baby. ‘Why wuz ‘e in the room with yeh?' Krystal shouted at Robbie, who grizzled and did not answer. There was only a tiny amount of battery power left on Terri's mobile phone. Krystal called Fats' number, but it went to voicemail. In Church Row, Fats was busy eating toast and listening to his parents having one of their familiar, bizarre conversations in the study across the hall. It was a welcome distraction from his own thoughts. The mobile in his pocket vibrated but he did not answer it. There was nobody he wanted to talk to. It would not be Andrew. Not after last night. ‘Colin, you know what you're supposed to do,' his mother was saying. She sounded exhausted. ‘Please, Colin – ‘ ‘We had dinner with them on Saturday night. The night before he died. I cooked. What if – ‘ ‘Colin, you didn't put anything in the food – for God's sake, now I'm doing it – I'm not supposed to do this, Colin, you know I'm not supposed to get into it. This is your OCD talking.' ‘But I might've, Tess, I suddenly thought, what if I put something – ‘ ‘Then why are we alive, you, me and Mary? They did a post-mortem, Colin!' ‘Nobody told us the details. Mary never told us. I think that's why she doesn't want to talk to me any more. She suspects.' ‘Colin, for Christ's sake – ‘ Tessa's voice became an urgent whisper, too quiet to hear. Fats' mobile vibrated again. He pulled it out of his pocket. Krystal's number. He answered. ‘Hiya,' said Krystal, over what sounded like a kid shouting. ‘D'you wanna meet up?' ‘Dunno,' yawned Fats. He had been intending to go to bed. ‘I'm comin' into Pagford on the bus. We could hook up.' Last night he had pressed Gaia Bawden into the railings outside the town hall, until she had pulled away from him and thrown up. Then she had started to berate him again, so he had left her there and walked home. ‘I dunno,' he said. He felt so tired, so miserable. ‘Go on,' she said. From the study, he heard Colin. ‘You say that, but would it show up? What if I – ‘ ‘Colin, we shouldn't be going into this – you're not supposed to take these ideas seriously.' ‘How can you say that to me? How can I not take it seriously? If I'm responsible – ‘ ‘Yeah, all right,' said Fats to Krystal. ‘I'll meet you in twenty, front of the pub in the Square.'

Friday, August 30, 2019

King Leopold’s Ghost

The subtitle of King Leopold's Ghost by Adam Hochschild reads more like an ad for a current spy movie than a history occurring in the Congo in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa. Hochschild writes about the conditions in the Belgian Congo, approximately modern day Zaire, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.This is the story of the transformation of a country from a colony greatly abused and used by the policies of King Leopold II of Belgium. Forced labor, stripping of natural resources were common. King Leopold's Ghost is the story of the terror that occurred because of King Leopold's greed and of the affects felt many years after his death. It is the story of honorable men such as, Edmund Dene Morel, an English business man from Liverpool and George Washington Williams, an American African American who had served the Union during the Civil war and had fought against Emperor Maximilian (brother-in-law of Leopold II) before beginning work in journalism. It is the story of these men and others and their efforts to mobilize the world against the abuses in the Belgian Congo (Hochschild 1-5, 101-103).Adam Hochschild has a long distinguished career as a journalist and writer. He has published a wide variety of books and articles, some also dealing with social political history in Africa such as King Leopold's Ghost and The Mirror at Midnight that deals with apartheid in South Africa in the mid-1800s. In Bury the Chains Hochschild writes of the attempts to bring slavery to an end in eighteenth century throughout Europe and the Americas.According to his publisher, Houghton Mifflin, King Leopold's Ghost was a finalist for the 1998 National Book Critics Circle Awards. He has written for a variety of magazines Ramparts, The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, and The New Yorker Magazine among others. Currently he teaches narrative writing at University of California at Berkeley gradua te school. Hochschild's writing style is a combination of journalism, historical, and at times travel writing. It fits nicely into the niche commonly called new journalism or creative non-fiction. His work reads well and, although disturbing, is engaging and important to read.Hochschild begins his book with a brief history of the development of the slave trade beginning in the mid to late fifteenth century. Portuguese exploration led to the discovery of the Congo River in 1482. This marked the first sustained contact between Europeans and the African nation the Kingdom of the Kongo.Hochschild points out that slavery had been practiced within the African Continent before but when the Europeans arrived the â€Å"institution† dramatically changed, â€Å". . . when Europeans showed up ready to buy endless shiploads of slaves, they found African chiefs willing to sell† (Hochschild 10). As exploration of the Western Hemisphere grew and more land came under European dominance a need for a large market for laborers in mining, on sugar and coffee plantations. Consequently the slave trade flourished (Hochschild 6-16).Hochschild presents an interesting account of the relationship between Leopold II and Henry Morton Stanley. Stanley was a Welshman, masquerading as an American, journalist working throughout the United States. Stanley had served in the Confederate Army during the American Civil war. On the second day of the Battle of Shiloh Stanley was captured by Union soldiers and sent to what later became known as a notorious Union POW camp just outside of Chicago. Stanley showed his ability to land on his feet and make the best of any situation by enlisting in the Union army to obtain his freedom. His army career was short-lived when he received a medical discharge because he suffered from dysentery (pun enjoyed, but unintended).After working at sea, Stanley enlisted in the Union Navy where he worked as a clerk on the Minnesota. In early 1865 Stanley deser ts the navy and begins writing journalism about the American West. Soon he was hired by the New York Herald and sent to Africa to cover the war in Suez. From there he joined a variety of journalists writing dispatches from Africa. He traveled the Nile, found international fame when he found Dr. Livingstone and came under the influence of Leopold II (Hochschild 21-60). Leopold contracted with Stanley for five years at the rate of 25,000 francs per year for time and 50,000 francs for time spent in Africa (each franc is about $5 in current funds). Stanley was to head expeditionary forces that would look for resources such as ivory that could be sold in Europe.From this point Hochschild writes about the increase of Belgian influence in the Congo along with increased funneling of Congolese natural resources into Leopold's treasury and increased violence. At the same time Morel and Williams increased their efforts to inform the world of conditions in the Congo. Their efforts were successf ul as organizations throughout the western world began to lend their support to the effort. As the story of events in the Congo became better known, people such as Stanley tried to distance themselves from Leopold II and his past.In chapter 15 â€Å"A Reckoning† Hochschild summarizes the horror under Leopold's reign. Although not technically â€Å"genocide† as it was not a deliberate, sanctioned attempt to eliminate a particular ethnic group, the effects were of such proportion. Hochschild attributes the large number of deaths to four sources: murder, starvation, disease, and a â€Å"plummeting† birth rate† (226). Force Publique soldiers were known to kill everyone they could find when a district failed to produce its quota of rubber. According to Hochschild â€Å"the list of specific massacres on record goes on and on† (226-228).As the terror increased thousands of people fled from their villages. The French government estimated that at least 30,00 0 entered French controlled countries. Others fled to the English controlled Northern Rhodesia. Along the way many died due to starvation and exposure. According to one Presbyterian missionary, there were at least 40,000 refugees living in the forests without shelter within a seventy-five mile radius of Luebo (Hochschild 229-230). Hochschild points out the far more people died of disease in the area during this period than by being shot. Smallpox was endemic; sleeping sickness (caused by the bite of the pink-striped tse-tse fly) killed an estimated 500,000 in 1900 alone (Hochschild 230-231).Due to the forced labor where men were sent to work camps for weeks at a time the number of children born decreased alarmingly. A visitor in 1910 reported a distinct absence of children between the ages of seven and fourteen; this corresponds exactly with the height of the rubber harvesting.   According to estimates Hochschild writes that the population of the Congo had decreased by half betwee n 1880 and 1920. A 1924 estimate of the population was ten million. This indicates ten million people died or fled the country during this period without being replaced by new births or immigration (Hochschild 231-233).Unfortunately, as history expands its areas of specialization from the traditional all-white, male dominated governmental emphasis into the more marginalized people it becomes apparent that throughout world history genocide has been a much more common phenomenon than previously believed. This is a very good book that should be read by more people. The number of people killed is shocking. It would be nice to think such things only happened in the past; unfortunately events in Somalia, Rwanda and throughout the Middle East indicate this is not the case. It is to be hoped that such events are never forgotten nor repeated.Works CitedHochschild, Adam. King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, A Mariner Book, 1999. â€Å"Adam Hochschild.† 2007. Houghton Mifflin Company. 27 Feb. 2007 ;;.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Does an Item’s History and Origin Make It Inevitably American? Essay

I would say yes and no, as far as fast food I would say yes; during my time in the military I came across a lot of fast food chains. Mainly McDonalds, but what really surprised me was when I went to Singapore; they had Burger King, Subway, and KFC. When I saw KFC, I had to try it just to see if it was like America, and it was. I mean they didn’t have these restaurants near the pier where the ships pull in, they were out in town. Hard Rock Cafà © and Planet Hollywood are other places are other examples of why I say yes. When it comes to music, other countries watch MTV and Hip Hop is really big. I was watching a Hip Hop award show and noticed that they had rappers from other countries rapping in their language, I was amazed. As far as TV shows and movies I would say no; we as Americans are running out of ideas, meaning we are now copying shows from other countries. American Idol and XFactor are two examples of why I say no, both shows were knock offs from Britain shows. When it comes to films I never knew how many movies we (meaning Americans) have taking foreign movies and put a twist on them until I was working at Blockbuster videos. I can name two movies that were copied; â€Å"Let Me In† came out in 2010 is a American romantic horror film which is based on the 2008 Swedish film â€Å"Let the Right One In†. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a 2009 Swedish drama thriller film based on a Swedish novel; in 2011, an American version was in the theaters. I hope my examples justify why I say yes and no.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data Essay

Information Sensitivity and Protection of Data - Essay Example Each organization significantly talks about the scanning of emails and other information that is being exchanged on internet to ensure that no illegal activity or transaction is being conducted. The use of email for the exchange of confidential information is discouraged by each organization. Authorization controls have been stressed upon so that the persons utilizing the information systems are authenticated to make sure that data does not get disclosed to wrong persons. 2. Each organization has a different form of information that it has to protect. BIDMC stores all sorts of information regarding BIDMC that includes general information and medical records which the employees can make use of for academic and research purposes. Thus, its policy talks about the protection of this specific kind of information that can help its employees in the development of projects and professionalism. Mayo Foundation stores not only general information but also regarding patients that can be useful during transactions for health benefits of the patients.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Enrollment trends in adult education or training setting, such as Research Paper

Enrollment trends in adult education or training setting, such as community college, university, distance learning, workplace-sp - Research Paper Example However, these statistics are generic and do not account for differences of such elements as race, ethnicity, income, disability or gender. Examination of these numbers from the microscope of these elements increases challenges. Attainment of education has been the most difficult for the poor. In the last 6 years, no more than 8 per cent and 7 per cent of the poor have attained an associate degree and a bachelor degree respectively. This article by Ginsberg and Wlodkowski (n.d.) tends to determine the population that generally participates in adult education, explore the concept of adult participation, the individual and institution specific factors which can increase the adult participation in learning, and the means to ensure greater and equitable participation. The authors started the discussion with the definitions of such terms as adult basic education, access, persistence, formal, informal and nonformal learning, and workplace learning so that the audience may perceive the disc ussion with respect to their understanding of the respective terms. The researchers found that least earning adults with least formal education were least participative in adult education programs while workers aged between 45 and 54 years were the greatest participants of the formal and nonformal education programs. Hispanic adults that did not complete high school were found least likely to participate in formal learning programs in the workplace.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Law report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Law report - Essay Example However, these reports are restricted in that they provide little information about the characteristics of crimes, victims, offenders or arrests. Consequently, the use of these data in research and policy analysis is not adequate. According to Mawby (pg 38), burglary is a crime which involves entrance into a building for the purposes of committing an offence. In most cases the offence involves theft, but most field specify others which fall within the realm of burglary. For an offense to be classified as burglary, the use of force to gain entry need not have take place. In this relation, the uniform crime reports Program has three sub classifications for burglary which include forceful entrance, illegal entrance where no force is used, and attempted forceful entrance. The crime rate in New York has steadily declined over the past 10 years. As of 2009, New York City has the lowest crime rate among the ten largest cities in the United States. Since 1991, the city has seen a continuous nineteen year trend of decreasing crime. Neighboring cities that were once considered unsafe are now much safer. The largest reductions in crime rate were reported for motor vehicle theft and burglary. In general, the rate of crimes in New York per100, 000 occupant populations has gone down 33% since 1998. Overall, in about 84% of all burglaries, the offender gained entry into the victims' residence or other building on the property. According to the uniform crime reports, the New York burglary rates since 1960 to 2009 has gone down. In 1960, the number was at 183,443 which went on increasing until 1980 where it was at its peak (360,925). From then, the number started declining and was at 65,735 in 2008. However, given that crime is illegal, measurements of burglary i n New York City are likely to be inaccurate. In reference to a study carried out by Shadrack in 2009, most burglars in New York City are jobless and are males who engage in drug abuse. They are usually between the ages of 21-35 years. However, a few cases of female burglars have been reported. This is in support of the national data of The Uniform Crime reports which indicates 82% male burglars. Question 2: Robbery in Chicago and Detroit On the other hand, Chicago and Detroit have adversely been affected by various forms of robbery over the past years. However, the number has declined due to some strategic measures which have been put into place. In essence, robbery involves application of force or a real threat of force used to rob money or property from a victim (Zimring and Zuel 24). Robbery ranges from purse-snatch and heist in the street or home by hijacking and bank, it is therefore known as a versatile and multifarious crime. According to the Uniform crime reports, the robbery cases reported as of 2009 in Chicago (200,098) and Detroit (198,054) show a significant decline from previous years. This has also been attributed to policing forces which have been put into place. According to McClain (34), since robbery is an avaricious offense and one involving personal confrontation, both the law and criminal statistics show confusion in classifying it. Some penal classifications, such as the one used in federal statutes, place robbery among property offenses.

Experimental rig Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Experimental rig - Article Example The water flow duct is rectangular in shape and has the size 3500mm long by 1000mm wide and a depth of 1500 mm with a tank that has a capacity of 70 liters. The closed loop system is designed to hold water and the rectangular supply tank is connected to a centrifugal pump. Water is pumped by the centrifugal pump, from the supply tank, into the PVC pipes with 2 inches size, then through the transparent channel and into the supply tank again. The centrifugal pump is a two stage self-priming type and it has the capability to drive the water from the tank. The rectangular channel of the experimental rig has been designed and fabricated in such a manner that there are four transparent polycarbonate plates with dimensions ( which have been used to fabricate the channel. Acrylic was selected for fabrication of all sections of the channel, due to strength and transparency in addition to acrylic welding are soften the plate surfaces so they merge, and the molecules between the two pieces become one which gave much more strength to the channel and prevent leakages. Four pressure tabs are placed at the bottom surface of the channel used for the measurement of pressure drop. These tabs made the test sections where placed after two sections of in order to get full turbulence flow. The pressure drop of the rig has been taken for section. The experimental rig has a flow duct made from 2’’ PVC piping across the system. It has a plate cover that is 120 mm wide by 120mm height by 2000 mm long. This cover plate is made from polycarbonate material. The flow duct also has six 2’’ ball valves that are strategically located at the points of entry and exit of the water and are primarily to regulate the flow of water. The rig system is supplied with 240 volts of alternating current and in this regard, the experimental rig has 2’’ female sockets.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Expatriate management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Expatriate management - Essay Example has seen several medical practitioners and health workers deployed in those areas from foreign nations including doctors, nurses, counsellors, and social health workers among others. However, success as a professional expatriate in the foreign countries with new cultures and new people is never guaranteed as most expatriates record failures whenever they get to these new work stations. This paper aims at analysing and accounting for some of these failures and ways of minimising them. In most cases when these expatriates are sent to these new and foreign regions for an assignment, they are usually offered extra allowances. The added financial benefits would make one think these people have higher chances of success owing to the hype that comes along with the whole expatriation (Guest, 2014:199). Allowances such as risk, housing, transport, food and accommodation are some of the benefits that employees enjoy when these oversees opportunities arise. It also presents a person with a chance to develop career-wise as they are more likely to meet new colleagues and face different challenges that trigger the need to research more. However, the periods do not only bring out the positive effects but also some negative impacts that immerses one into a sea of emotional turmoil owing to the anticipation of leaving for another country for probably longer periods like it happens in some cases. Therefore, there are several reasons why expatriates are likely to fail in their mis sions in these foreign lands and may lead to their posting being withdrawn before the contracted period elapses. Culture is quite a significant aspect of our lives which in shaping behaviour and defining social life. Dissociating from one’s culture and integrating into another new one is such a big problem to people; expatriates included. Moving into another country especially a new continent means a whole new lifestyle. Cultural inflexibility may deter an expatriate from effectively discharging their

Saturday, August 24, 2019

WGST400 Assignment 3 Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

WGST400 Assignment 3 - Research Proposal Example I have never visited the two countries, but it will be of essence to me to know how the two countries handled women issues. For example, I will be interested to know whether the way they handled and addressed women issues was similar or different to my country. Currently, I see many women getting involved in various aspects of our societies. Moreover, many women have been in the forefront in managing and leading issues of our societies. It will be prudent to know how this has transformed throughout the history. I believe that not so many people are aware of what women encountered during this period, and therefore, it will be crucial to know about women in the period and get a lesson from it. I hope to learn how feminism and pacifism progressed in the two countries during the period of the war. The other focus will be to know how it changed after the war. Additional attention will be to know how feminism and pacifism in the two countries influenced other parts of the globe. I have not addressed this topic in my previous research. The topic is appropriate for WGST400, as it will be informative to my readers and me. I will, therefore, have the advantage of having a broad area to cover as I focus on unearthing various issues related to feminism and war. Although lack of previous exposure will be a challenge, I believe I will gather a wealth of information. I also have confidence that various information that I will gather will be satisfactory for this course. In the research paper, I seek to focus on how feminism faired during the period of war in terms of nationalism and pacifism. I will also address the feminist/ pacifist response to war and the differences that arose in various women groups because of war. Moreover, I will seek to show the changing women roles and challenges in England and France due to the advent of war. I will be consulting various sources in this research. The sources seem valuable in addressing the issues that I have

Friday, August 23, 2019

Transition Plan for preschool Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Transition Plan for preschool - Essay Example Historically and recently there were number of incidents that relate to transitional change and the effect of unpreparedness was harsh. The fall of Great Berlin Wall and its outcome is still in the making and the recent financial crunch and the banks and governments unpreparedness and unexpectedness of this situation has led to more increasing crisis all over the world. (Mario and Marko, 2001) Schools have an important role to play in the lives of children in regard to their education and skills. The present challenges faced by schools are preparing them for the future studies. Children in kindergarten should be assessed on various criterions like physical, emotional, linguistic and cognitive and work according to the requirement laid down in the code of practice. Children should be advised on all the issues of transition by preparing a proper transition plan. Children should be prepared well to take on the forthcoming challenges. Schools have to pen down various measures and steps to ensure that transition in schools do not have harsh impact on students. Transition is planning for one's future after high school while still in high school. Though it is necessary that transition should take place, but schools have their own difficulties and challenges in regard to standard of education and curriculum The schools must lay down procedures to tackle such issues through

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Blind Side Essay Example for Free

The Blind Side Essay â€Å"The Blind Side† is the true story of Michael Oher, a homeless teenager who was able to overcome great obstacles in order to become a first round draft pick in the NFL. Michael Oher had a rough childhood as he didn’t know his father and his mother was addicted to drugs. He was in and out of foster homes and at times living on the street. The football coach at Wingate, a private school, saw football potential in Michael and got him admitted into the prestigious school. However, he had learning disabilities and still did not have a permanent home. Leigh Anne Tuohy, the mother of a Wingate student, Collins, and wife of the owner of several Taco Bell restaurants, finds out about Michael’s predicament and invites him to stay the night at their home. Once Michael is in the Tuohy home, a close relationship develops between him and the Tuohys. The one night stay turns into a permanent living situation for Oher. Leigh Anne makes it her personal mission to make sure Michael has everything he needs emotionally and academically to graduate from high school and to get admitted to Ole Miss. After a successful college football campaign, Oher was drafted by the Baltimore Ravens in the first round in 2009, thus fulfilling his dream. This movie has it all. As you watch it, you experience the emotions of both sadness and joy, as you watch this young man go from being homeless to being drafted in the first round of the 2009 NFL draft. One of the saddest parts of the film is where Leigh Anne goes looking for Oher’s mother. You are able to see the awful environment in which he has grown up, including drugs and filth. On the other hand, one of the happiest scenes in the film is when Leigh Anne is having a meal with some of her wealthy white lady friends. They are discussing the possible adoption of Oher by the Tuohy family. One of the women remarks that Leigh Anne should really be concerned about the welfare of her beautiful, white daughter Collins. Leigh Anne tells the women they should be ashamed of themselves for thinking that way. There are also many scenes that will have you laughing. For instance, in one game scene, Oher blocks an opposing team’s player clear off the field. After the whistle, Oher says, â€Å"Sorry, Coach. I stopped when I heard the whistle. † The coach asks where Oher was taking the opposing player. Oher responds, â€Å"The bus. It was time for him to go home. † In that same game, the referee throws a flag on Oher. The coach asks why he threw the flag. The referee responds, â€Å"excessive blocking. † The sacrifices that the Tuohy family was willing to make for a complete stranger are inspiring. Sandra Bullock received an Oscar for her portrayal of Leigh Anne Tuohy. Other actors you may recognize in the film include Kathy Bates as Miss Sue and country singer Tim McGraw as Sean Tuohy. This movie was nominated for Best Picture at the 82nd annual Academy Awards, but lost to â€Å"The Hurt Locker†. I haven’t seen â€Å"The Hurt Locker†, but having seen â€Å"The Blind Side†, I find it hard to believe there was a better film released in 2009. I give this movie four stars and highly recommend it to anyone of any age.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sports and women Essay Example for Free

Sports and women Essay Gender Bias in American Sports: Lack of Opportunity, Lack of Administrative Positions and Lack of Coverage in Womens Sports Submitted by: Erik F. Person, CSCS, Doctoral Candidate, USSA â€Å"In the early days, female volleyball players were cautioned not to expose too much . A hundred years later, they were encouraged to expose more†. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Women’s Sports. pg. 281. â€Å"If people want to come check us out because they’re scoping our bodies, I don’t have a problem with that, because I guarantee they’ll go home talking about our athleticism†. pg. 283. â€Å"These women are as deft at handling the ball as they are lipstick†. pg. 262. â€Å"Let’s face facts here. Lesbians in the sport hurt women’s golf†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Laura Davies is built like a tank†. pg. 66 â€Å"The reason for this [media frenzy dubbed Annamania] is simple: She’s blond, she’s flirtatious and she’s pretty. Never, ever, underestimate the power of a male sports editor smitten.† pg. 52. â€Å"The Olympic Games should be a solemn and periodic exaltation of male athleticism with internationalism as a base, loyalty as a means, arts for its setting, and female applause as reward.† Pierre de Coubertin. Idiot’s Guide. pg. 31. â€Å"If there are two people the same, would I prefer to see women coaching women? As role models, I think it’s important. But not to sacrifice a program.† Pat Babcock. N.Y. Times. 2002 Copyright (c) 2002 2010 United States Sports Academy. All rights reserved. All submitted material, once approved by the Editorial Board and published, becomes the prop HomeGender Bias in American Sports: Lack of Opportunity, Lack of Administrative Positions and Lack of Coverage in Womens Sports Submitted by: Erik F. Person, CSCS, Doctoral Candidate, USSA â€Å"In the early days, female volleyball players were cautioned not to expose too much . A hundred years later, they were encouraged to expose more†. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Women’s Sports. pg. 281. â€Å"If people want to come check us out because they’re scoping our bodies, I don’t have a problem with that, because I guarantee they’ll go home talking about our athleticism†. pg. 283. â€Å"These women are as deft at handling the ball as they are lipstick†. pg. 262. â€Å"Let’s face facts here. Lesbians in the sport hurt women’s golf†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Laura Davies is built like a tank†. pg. 66 â€Å"The reason for this [media frenzy dubbed Annamania] is simple: She’s blond, she’s flirtatious and she’s pretty. Never, ever, underestimate the power of a male sports editor smitten.† pg. 52. â€Å"The Olympic Games should be a solemn and periodic exaltation of male athleticism with internationalism as a base, loyalty as a means, arts for its setting, and female applause as reward.† Pierre de Coubertin. Idiot’s Guide. pg. 31. â€Å"If there are two people the same, would I prefer to see women coaching women? As role models, I think it’s important. But not to sacrifice a program.† Pat Babcock. N.Y. Times. 2002 Introduction Women in America have made tremendous strides in the last 100 years of American history. Politically, women gained the right to vote in 1920, through the 19th amendment. In the workforce, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 allowed women the right to equal pay for the same job as their male counterparts. In the sports world, women gained the right to play in 1972 by way of Title IX of the Educational Amendments. In spite of these strides however, gender bias continues to exist. It is difficult to think of a greater injustice which effects the majority of people in the United States. According to the 2006 U.S. Census Bureau, just over half of the U.S. Population is female, (50.7%), yet bias against women, the majority, persists. Due to the strong traditions of our patriarchal society, women continue to face an uphill climb. Gender is the neutral term for the two sexes, male and female. Bias is defined as unreasoned judgment, a bent or tendency, prejudicial. (Merriman’s Collegiate Dictionary, 1993). Gender bias then, is to show favor or partiality, toward one of the sexes exclusively because of gender. Or said in the negative, to not show impartiality based upon gender. In spite of these gender neutral definitions, it is clear in American culture, that gender bias has been and continues to be highly slanted against women. From the academic setting of classrooms (Bailey 1992) and college admissions, to the workplace with lower salaries, (AAWU report, 2008) lack of job opportunities and bleak forecasts for advancement, women continue to be discriminated against. The hegemonic male culture, consciously or not, creates an antagonistic environment for females. Nowhere is this more true than the environment of sports. Opportunity Bias One of the three prongs of the Title IX law has to do with equal participation opportunity in proportion to student enrollment as it pertains to federally funded centers of education. While millions of girls have benefited from the implementation of Title IX, there are still playing fields where females are still unwelcome. Traditional wisdom, that girls are only suited for activities which emulate the aesthetic side of sports such as gymnastics, ice skating, cheer leading, etc., persists, along with the notion that females should not engage in high physical contact activities such as wrestling, football or rugby. While TitleIX mandates equal opportunity, it does not mandate equal opportunity in specific sports. American football for example does not have an exact feminine equivalent, so girls are given other options besides football. (Volleyball, field Hockey). Options do not always mean equal. Gender bias occurs not only because there is no football team for women to play on, but rather that is only the outcome of the larger problem. The real gender bias has to do with the male, and sometimes female, attitudes of what defines masculinity and what defines femininity. Due to the pervading male influence, gender typing occurs early during a girl’s development. Gender typing is attributing qualities, characteristics, attributes, temperaments, demeanor and behavior due to a gender. That is, making generalizations about a person, and how they act or should act, based upon preconceived notions and definitions of their gender. Through the power of suggestion, gender socialization begins at a very early age. Subtly, or not so subtly, a girl hears messages throughout her life that females aren’t good at math and science, and proficiency in math and science are needed to become, for example, a space traveler, so the logical conclusion for her is that she can not go into space. The argument that, â€Å"if girls had the ability to become astronauts we would see more of them†, is self defeating when we have not given them the opportunity to do so in the first place. More plausibly, is that a self fulfilling prophecy has occurred. Expectations have shaped a behavior, which in turn shapes future expectations. This cycle usually conforms to the dominant cultural theme, and in our example, the dominant theme is male supremacy. Interestingly however, not all female athletes share the feminist view. McClung and Blind, (2002) found in the vast majority of their interviews with female college athletes, a desensitized attitude toward women’s sport issues. In their study, women said things such as â€Å"we feel privileged to play college sports†, as opposed to a right, and â€Å"gender equity issues are not important to me†. The main reason sighted for the lack of passion was due to lack of time, and other obligations. The sports world is biased against women in terms of opportunity in the professional ranks as well. Title IX has helped women with participation opportunity but only in educational settings, and speaks nothing of post college athletics. With the relative success of the WNBA more women basketball players have the opportunity to make a living playing a professional sport. Relative to the men’s opportunities however, economically it pales in comparison, $55,000 versus $4,000,000 (the average salary). Without the potential prospect of playing professionally, girls devote less time to the sport, focusing rather on other pursuits such as relationships, and academics, further establishing thegender logic in American culture that women are not interested in sports for the long term, or that they do not have the commitment needed to pursue athletics as a vocation. Again, this is a self defeating argument, as the WNBA has shown. Several franchises have been able to maintain healthy fan bases in the short 12 years history of the league. Part of the issue with lack of professional opportunity for women is linked to sponsorship bias. Companies looking to use sports to market their product do not look to women’s sport first. Companies are concerned with getting a return on their advertising dollar. The perception is that their return will not be as great if they invest in women sport teams. Whether it be through product endorsement contracts with specific athletes, facility or venue sponsorship, or capital investment in a specific team, corporations view the WNBA as a second rate, at best, investment. Justified as a reasonable business decision, the purse holders have a profound negative affect upon a team, the league in general, and women’s sports as a whole. Understandably, companies have a responsibility to be prudent investors for their constituents. However, at the same time, they may be missing an opportunity to pair their product with a market they have yet to completely associate it with, say 51% of the population. This liquidity issue in women’s sports is closely tied with the bias of the media. Even with the advancements of the LPGA and the USWTA, Greendorfer suggests that women â€Å"are still confined within ideological structures of patriarchy†. Media Bias Arguably, the media creates fans. Several men’s professional and collegiate teams have national audiences. Notre Dame football, New York Yankees, Penn State football, Dallas Cowboys, and the Cleveland Cavaliers, to name a few. The reasons for each of these teams captivating a large and diverse audience are many and as varied as their fan base. The media, along with many other variables (such as the location of the team, franchise or team history and legacy, colorful characters, and team success), play a role as to how that team is perceived by the public. Within the greater public are potential fans. Television coverage, magazine articles, radio broadcasts etc., all influence whether a team will garner a national fan base. Men’s sports have known that â€Å"exposure pays† for a long time, and with the increasing technological ability to feed fans the sport information they want, it would seem to be a relatively easy task for the networks to maneuver women’s sports coverage more toward the front web and paper pages. The very important 1996 work of Messner et al. details the shortcomings of media coverage of women’s sports, and the bias they exude. Messner and his colleagues analyzed and compared the 1993 NCAA basketball championship coverage for both men and women. Their conclusion, in part, was that â€Å"the television industry actively builds audiences for men’s games while failing to do so for women’s games†. (Yiannakis. p.330). This is no small point. Potential sponsors look at viewer ratings to determine potential investments. If ratings are lower than they deem necessary, the event will not be a target. However, without the media covering the event adequately, that is to say, billing it with the same hype, energy, enthusiasm and professionalism as the men’s games, fewer viewers are most certainly likely. Without the national exposure, women’s sports will continue to be a second rate investment because that is what the networks have created. Messner says that the network’s position is â€Å"we’re just giving the fans what they want†. The counter to that is, â€Å"they want that because you have made it more inviting to want that. The circus is more fun when there’s three rings instead of two. The media also appears to be bias against women’s sports by the way the events are covered. The shear quantity of coverage is a fraction of the men’s coverage. Messner found during the 1993 basketball tournaments, for example, that 41 stories ran for the men, and only 10 for the women, the men’s stories ran longer than the women’s, were more in depth, and had more video footage. In short, the media was telling the viewing audiences which of the two events they wanted you to watch, which was of better quality, and in the long run, building an audience of viewers so they can charge future sponsors top dollar. Television networks have the ability to build audiences, and they choose to with men’s sports. Another way media is bias against women and proliferates gender typing is by the way women athletes are spoken of. Messner points out, that even collegiate mascot names for women’s teams, con notate a feminine, softer version of the male equivalent. The Lions as compared to the Lionesses. Or the Lady Bear Cats, emphasizing the female version of the game as opposed to just the game. Messner makes the jump that this is a type of gender marking, reminding the audience that they are watching something other than a basketball game. In fact the very name of the the two basketball tournaments is very telling, from â€Å"The Final Four† to â€Å"The Women’s Final Four†. Making this distinction, Messner argues, gives the women’s tournament a patronizing tone. Messner makes many other salient points regarding coverage differences between the men’s and the women’s tournaments, all indicating that women’s sports are a niche, and men’s is mainstream. One of those differences is how women are portrayed in the media. Tradition holds that women are weak, or at best, not as strong as men, that they are the softer sex, the more emotional, the more aesthetically pleasing, beautiful. In other words, if society was going to accept the new members on their playing fields it was going to be done on their terms. Their terms included the sexualization of women’s sports. From the quotes on the first page of this paper we can see the varied opinions within the women’s sports movement. Those varying opinions have caused controversy and confusion. On the one hand, women want nothing more than to be given equal opportunity to play and equal coverage from the media. Further they wish to be respected for their physical abilities and skills. They wish to be rewarded for their sporting achievements. On the other hand, some women athletes believe they they can not get the exposure needed to win over large numbers of fans unless they give the fans another reason for coming to their events besides observing athletic ability. In the modern women sports media market this â€Å"neanderthal mentality† (as Mariah Burt Nelson once quipped) has translated into women being regarded, identified and valued more for how they look than how they perform. Recent stories of tennis stars Anna Kournikova, Maria Sharapova and the Williams sisters attests to this fact. While added â€Å"exposure† has given women’s sports more exposure in the media, perhaps it is not the exposure they had hoped for, and further it does send mixed messages to younger women athletes who are the future of the movement. In effect the male hegemony has won again, trivializing women’s sports. Unable to stop the cultural freight train they saw coming with Billie Jean King, a man’s world has set the switches and the tracks so as to control the train’s next stop reducing women’s sports to a public peep show, the impact of the social order is preserved. Ironically, this media bias is also rampant among female reporters who don’t know which cause to fight for, their career or the social injustice that is gender inequality. Female football sideline reporters of the major television networks, are asked to be both sexy and competent. When ABC was asked why they hired a female the response was, â€Å"we know that 40% of our viewing audience for these games are females. They need someone on the screen they can relate to†. I’m sure the other 60% of the viewing audience didn’t object. Monday Night Football hired a new sideline reporter to replace Melissa Stark. As Randy Sandomir reported in the N.Y. Times on the story of the new hire, Clearly there are conflicting agendas within the movement to curb gender bias. Purists of the movement may be getting a queasy feeling in their stomach, while the new generation of women liberals subscribe to the old entertainment adage that â€Å"even bad press is good press†. Administration Bias Briefly I will conclude with the third area of gender bias in women’s sports. Prior to the implementation of Title IX in 1978, 90% of women collegiate sports were being coached by women. According to the 2007 Knight Commission on Sports, the NCAA watchdog, 42% of women collegiate teams are being coached by women, an all time low. Further only 18 % of all college athletic directors, 12% of all college sport information directors, and 27% of head athletic trainers, are women. (2% of men’s collegiate programs were being coached by women in 2004.) Coakley considers part of the reason for this change to be the more lucrative contracts for women’s coaching positions. Geno Auriemma, the head coach of the University of Connecticut Women’s Basketball team will earn over 2 million dollars this year in salary and endorsements. Once the big money started coming in to Women’s basketball in the early 1990’s, men started vying for the positions with more determination. Whereas before the success of basketball powerhouses such as Connecticut, Tennessee, LSU and Stanford, women’s jobs were generally not considered as serious positions. Money changed all that. Women’s sports is caught between a rock and a hard place. If they advocate for stronger pay, men come in and take over the coaching positions. If they ask the public to look at their athletic skills, there will be no fan base. If they ask us to look at other parts of their bodies, they are thought to be prostituting themselves to the highest bidder, all in the name of recognition. When women accept this role it reinforces the traditional male / female value system which they have tried to distance themselves from. The proverbial glass ceiling for women in the sports work place is illustrated when we consider that 80% of sport communication positions are held by men. Women will continue to face an uphill battle for equal opportunity to play, equal representation in the coaching ranks, and equal media attention due to the male culture of superiority, but the women’s sport movement is doing no favors for themselves when they send mixed messages to both sides of the tracks. The freight train has arrived, now it just needs a conductor.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Parliament of Pakistan

Parliament of Pakistan Parliament of Pakistan The Parliament of Pakistan, formally termed the Majlis-e-Shoora is the elected and incomparable authoritative group of Pakistan. It is a bicameral elected council that comprises of the Senate and the National Assembly, the upper and more level houses, individually. As stated by the constitution, the President of Pakistan is likewise a part of the Parliament. The National Assembly is chosen for a five-year term on the premise of grown-up establishment and small time one-vote. The residency of a Member of the National Assembly is for the length of time of the house, or sooner, on the off chance that the Member kicks the bucket or leaves. The residency of the National Assembly likewise arrives at an end if broke up on the counsel of the Prime Minister or by the president in his watchfulness under the Constitution. The Parliament meets at the Parliament House assembling in Islamabad, where debating chambers for both houses are available. National Assembly The National Assembly of Pakistan is the easier house of the parliament. The National Assembly has 342 seats, 272 of which are straightforwardly chosen, 60 are saved for ladies and a further 10 for religious minorities. The National Assembly of Pakistan is the nations sovereign authoritative body. It exemplifies the will of the individuals to let themselves be legislated under the fair, multi-party Federal Parliamentary System. The National Assembly makes laws for the Federation in admiration of the forces listed in the Federal Legislative rundown. Through its civil arguments, suspension movement, question hour and Standing Committees, the National Assembly keeps as check over the Executive and guarantees that the administration capacities inside the parameters set out in the Constitution and does not abuse the crucial privileges of nationals. Just the National Assembly, through its Public Accounts Committee, examines open using and activities control of use caused by the administrat ion. The Members of the National Assembly are to be chosen by immediate and free vote as per law. Article 50 of the Constitution gives that the Parliament of Pakistan might comprise of president and the two houses known as the National Assembly and the Senate. The National Assembly has an edge over the Senate by enacting solely on cash matters. With special case to cash bills, be that as it may, both the houses cooperate to complete the essential work of the Parliament, i.e. law making. The bill identifying with the Federal Legislative List could be started in either house. On the off chance that the house passed the bill through greater part vote, it might be transmitted to the next house. On the off chance that the other house passes it without alteration, it might be displayed to the president for consent. On the off chance that the bill, transmitted to the next house, is not passed inside ninety days or rejected, it might be acknowledged in a joint sitting to be summoned by the president on the solicitation of the house in which the bill was begun. On the off chance that the bill is passed in the joint sitting, with or without corrections, by the votes of greater part of the parts of the two houses, it should be introduced to the president for consent. In the event that the bill is exhibited to the president for consent, he might consent to the bill in not later than ten days. On the off chance that it is not a cash charge, the president may give back where its due to the Majlis-e-Shoora with a message asking for that the bill be rethought and that an alteration specified in the message be acknowledged. The Majlis-e-Shoora might rethink the bill in a joint sitting. In the event that the bill is passed once more, with or without correction, by vote of most of the parts present and voting, it might be displayed to the president and the president should give his consent inside ten days; falling flat which such consent might be regarded to have been given. Under the Constitution, the Parliament might likewise administer for two or more Provinces by assent and solicitation made by those Provinces. In the event that the Federal Government broadcasts State of Emergency in any region, the ability to enact about that territory is vested in the Parliament. Anyway the bills passed by the Parliament throughout the State of Emergency, should stop to be in energy after the termination of six months from the date Emergency is lifted. In any case, the steps officially taken under these Acts might remain substantial. In activities of its sacred part, the Parliament likewise has other extremely paramount obligations to perform. The president, who is at the summit, is chosen by parts of both houses of the Parliament and the Provincial Assemblies. The Prime Minister, who heads the Cabinet and is intended to support and prompt the president in his capacities, fits in with the National Assembly. He delights in the trust of most of the parts of the National Assembly. Parts of the Cabinet are named by the president on the exhortation of the PM. In the structuring of the Cabinet the significant allotment (75%), goes to National Assembly while the rest (25%) are taken from the Senate. There is a majority rule strategy to evacuate the Prime Minister from his office in the event that he loses certainty of most of the parts of the National Assembly. In this appreciation a determination for a vote of no-trust is moved by at least 20% of the aggregate participation of the National Assembly. In the event that the determination is passed by dominant part of the aggregate participation of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister instantly surrendered forces. Essentially, for the evacuation or prosecution of the president, at the very least one-50% of the aggregate participation of either house may give in thinking of its proposition to do in this way, to the Speaker National Assembly, or, as the case may be, to the Chairman Senate, for moving a determination for the reason. In a joint sitting of the two houses, assembled for the rea son, and after the considerations, if the determination is passed by the votes of at least two thirds of the aggregate enrollment of the Parliament, the president should stop to hold office promptly on passing of this resolution. In case emergency is proclaimed, the Parliament holds the authority to extend the term of the National Assembly. Under the Constitution, the Parliament may also, on the request of the Federal Government, by law, confer functions upon officers or authorities subordinate to the Federal Government. Senate The fundamental reason for the making of the Senate of Pakistan was to give meet representation to all the uniting units since the participation of the National Assembly was dependent upon the number of inhabitants in every region. Square with common participation in the Senate, therefore, adjusts the commonplace imbalance in the National Assembly and scatters questions and worry, if any, in regards to hardship and misuse. The part of the Senate is to push national union and concordance and to mitigate reasons for alarm of the more diminutive areas in regards to command by any one region in light of its lions share, in the National Assembly. The Senate, is a body which speaks to the regions/domains of the nation and pushes an inclination of equity, peace and agreement, which is so fundamental for the development and thriving of a country. Therefore, the Senate in Pakistan, through the years, has developed as a vital organ and a stabilizing component of the organization. The Senate co mprises of 100 parts, of whom 14 parts are chosen by every Provincial Assembly, 8 parts are chosen from Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fatas) by the Members of National Assembly from these territories, 2 parts, 1 lady and 1technocrat is chosen from the Federal Capital by the Members of National Assembly, 4 ladies and 4 Technocrats are chosen by the parts of every Provincial Assembly. The separation of seats apportioned to every Province, Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fatas), Federal Capital, Women and Ulema/Technocrats. It is the obligation of the Chief Election Commissioner to hold and make plans for the Senate decisions as per the arrangement of relative representation by method for a solitary transferable vote through constituent schools. The term of the parts of the Senate is 6 years. In any case, the term of the first gathering of the Senators, who should resign after consummation of initial 3 years of the Senate, is dictated by drawing of parts by the Chief Electi on Commissioner. Presidential framework A presidential framework is a republican arrangement of government where a head of government is additionally head of state and leads an official limb that is divided from the administrative extension. The official is chosen and frequently titled president and is not capable to the lawmaking body and cant, in typical circumstances, dismissit. The assembly may have the right, in compelling cases, to release the official, regularly through prosecution. Nonetheless, such rejections are seen as so extraordinary (just two United States presidents were indicted, and none, of these case prompted evacuation) as not to repudiate a focal precept of presidentialism, that in ordinary circumstances utilizing typical methods the council cant reject the official. The title president has continued from a period when such individual by and by managed the legislature body, as with the US President of the Continental Congress, before the official capacity was part into a separate limb of government and could no more direct the authoritative body. Presidential frameworks are various and differing, however the accompanying are by and large correct: The official can veto administrative acts and, thusly, a supermajority of administrators may override the veto. The veto is by and large determined from the British convention of illustrious consent in which a demonstration of parliament must be authorized with the consent of the ruler. The president has an altered term of office. Decisions are held at general times and cant be activated by avote of trust or other parliamentary systems. In spite of the fact that in a few nations there is an exemption, which accommodates the evacuation of a president who is found to have transgressed against a law. The official extension is unipersonal. Parts of the bureau serve at the joy of the president and must do the strategies of the official and authoritative extensions. Bureau priests or official departmental heads are not parts of the governing body. Then again, presidential frameworks regularly require administrative regard of official assignments to the bureau, legal, and different more level legislative posts. A president by and large can administer parts of the bureau, military, or any officer or worker of the official limb, however cant regulate or reject judges. The president can regularly exonerate or drive sentences of indicted crooks. Nations that characteristic a presidential arrangement of government are not the selective clients of the title of President. For instance, a tyrant, who might have been prominently or genuinely chosen may be and regularly is known as a president. Similarly, pioneers of one-gathering states are regularly called presidents. Most parliamentary republics have presidents, yet this position is to a great extent stately; eminent cases includegermany, India, Ireland, Israel and Italy. The title is likewise utilized within parliamentary republics with an official presidency, and additionally in semi-presidential framework Parliamentary vs Presidential system Saturday, February 02, 2013 It is first time in the historical backdrop of Pakistan that the Parliament will finish its residency. Since races are a couple of weeks away, political gatherings are dependent upon their regular traps and contrivances. The PML-N had moved a determination in the Punjab gathering for creation of two new territories in Punjab Bahawalpur and South Punjab. The PPP has turned out with thought of Bahawalpur-South Punjab territory, which will incorporate Mianwali and Dera Ghazi Khan. Indeed, both significant gatherings are attempting to charm individuals of South Punjab who had been disregarded and ignored throughout the most recent six decades. In any case, by making new areas and making all territories sort of equivalent in size of the populace, presidential framework could be perfect. Pioneers fromsouthern Punjab feel that with new territories they will have the opportunity to revel in the advantages and benefits of gubernatorial work places, and will have the capacity to arrange with the real political gatherings to get their offer of cake. In any case, more diminutive gatherings will be in a position to deal with or coercion the significant gatherings, as is evident by the weight strategies of the MQM, JUI-F, PML-Q and PML-F. It was in this background that there were voices in the past for a presidential type of government. In any case the defenders of parliamentary framework cited Quaid-i-Azam to demonstrate their point that he positively had confidence in elected parliamentary framework. They additionally alluded to the comments made in Hamood-ur-Rehman Commission Report that framing of One-unit, standard of equality, unitary type of government and arrangement of fundamental popular governments were the purposes behind estranging the individuals of more modest regions that prompted deterioration of Pakistan. Truly both frameworks parliamentary and presidential-are equitable frameworks that are very fruitful in European nations and the US separately. Both frameworks have great focuses; however in a nation like Pakistan where combining units have diverse ethnicities, dialects and societies, the more diminutive unifying units think about the presidential framework as an exertion to endeavor and overwhelm them. The individuals of more diminutive territories however feel that under parliamentary framework there is chance for the provincial gatherings to make it to the top space in the region. In 1990s, Mr. Manzoor Wattoo with just 17 parts out of 240 parts was electeds the Chief Minister of Punjab. However there are a few bad marks of parliamentary framework. Unending political changes, the wheeling and managing of chose parts of the parliament for individual increase, livens and benefits of force, making dominant part party prisoner to a minority gathering are to name the few. In this framework, parts of the gathering chose by the individuals thusly choose the Leader of the House, implying that it is an aberrant decision of the head administrator. Actually when a gathering increases a clearmajority, the administration is helpless to parts and rebellions, requiring re-arrangements or re-races. Indeed in the settled in majority rules system, the way Margaret Thatcher was changed mid method for her residency by the decision gathering is a for example. In Pakistan, no less than seven executives took pledge and none of them finished the residency. Likewise from 1988 to 1999, the PPP and Muslim League were twice come back to power, however none could finish the residency because of their prejudice towards to one another, and were sent pressing under 58-2(b). It ought to be clear to any understudy of history or political science that political frameworks were developed in venture with evolving conditions; hence, it was vital that its political setup was interested in change. It is a certain certainty that from the tribal and feudal ages, with their own particular curious political frameworks of authority, tribal Jirga, and autocracies, the world has advanced to the present popularity based request dependent upon the arrangement of small time one-vote, and the chose legislatures of settled residencies. At the end of the day, the phase of advancement, apparatuses and modes of processing decided the manifestation of government. On the off chance that the pioneers with the vested investment or decision classes attempted to stem the change, there was monetary turbulence, social change and insurgency. In seventeenth-century England, the exchanging group manufactured solidarity in its positions to wage a battle against unquestionably the forces of the ruler and impact of the church. The nation was primed for change for another request, which conceived the Industrial Revolution. The Westminster model of parliamentary majority rule government may well be said to be the first of the present day frameworks that advanced, as the new classes connected with the business economy developed. This British model was best case scenario a trade off model after teeter-totter fights had been battled between the royalists of the British privileged and the delegates of the rising new classes. It was a framework that at long last gave individuals the right to choose the Lower House parts and government, while holding the King as head of state, and the House of Lords as the upper House where the nations genetic feudal delegates sat on the premise of their titles. The framework is effective in England, as the nation is created, and the framework coddles the needs at home and abroad. It must be specified that vote based system was side effect of the industrialist framework visualized after the Industrial Revolution. There are, without a doubt, a few benefits of presidential type of government, for example, The framework permits the president to select his group that in his perspective is the best suited and most equipped for the occupation. In any case, in a creating nation like Pakistan, generally unremarkable persons are chosen on the premise of their clout as a jagirdar or tribal pioneer. Also, once chose by an acceptable greater part, the authenticity of the president both good and protected is not in debate; and unless arraigned he finishes the residency. Heroes of this framework accept that it serves as a rampart against interminable political changes, permits stable working of government and a serene change of political force. In Pakistan, unless remainders of feudalism, jagirdari framework and tribalism are carried out away with, there is no trust that either of the two frameworks could work. However who will chime the feline?

rediscovered :: essays research papers

â€Å"Heartland† places the audience almost a hundred years back in time, a technique that not only captivates ones mind, but also allows for the unique opportunity to witness first hand history being re-told. Richard Pearce the director of â€Å"Heartland† saw a chance within this film to white out previous interpretations of American homesteading; Pearce paints a radically new picture, which may more accurately reflect the truth behind homesteaders. The inspirations behind Pearce’s documentary â€Å"Heartland† were the personal journals of Elinore Pruitt Stewart. Stewart’s journals were published in 1914 in the form of a diary titled â€Å"Letters of a Women Homesteader† these enriched historical documents were used by Pearce in such a way that neither Stewart nor anybody else would have ever suspected.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Heartland first and foremost is a story of survival. Clyde Stewart and Elinore Randall Stewart are followed through their daily life by Pearce, their struggles embody American homesteaders across the west and their own efforts to survive in the extreme cultural and climatic conditions they all faced. Scarcity of life in all forms is a theme that is driven hard throughout Pearce’s film. The absence of food, wood, water and life create an absence of hope among the homesteaders. For Pearce homesteading was a last resort, an opportunity in a world which opportunities are limited to succeed. The grind and grit of frontier life is truly captured through Pearce’s distinctive directorial approach. His exclusive approach allows for the viewer to be almost transported back in time witness first hand to the butcher of a live pig and many other daily frontier life chores. Pearce’s depiction of homesteading within his film â€Å"Heartland† contradic ts his main source in almost all facets, thus creating a whorl wind of controversy regarding Pearce’s intensions behind his film.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Elinore Pruitt Stewart describes life dramatically different from the one â€Å"Heartland† reveals. Pearce drew upon this distinction to refute prior beliefs and truths carried by the Letters of a Women Homesteader. The Letters describe nature as a bountiful playground rich with discovery and treasures. Stewart describes a situation within her journals in which she is caught in a compromising position â€Å" here I was thirty or forty miles from home, in the mountains were no one goes in the winter and were I knew the so got ten to fifteen feet deep†(Letters p.33). Stewart’s casual attitude about this situation she has found herself in, along with the fact she did survive when she discovered safe haven within a conveniently placed log cabin, directs the reader/ historical audience to draw upon false conclusions of the homesteading life.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Internet Does Not Equal Isolation Essay -- Internet

The Internet Does Not Equal Isolation The computer has become a centerpiece for almost everyone’s lives. Teachers require homework to be typed, and students go through an Internet search tutorial at the beginning of every year. Communication online plays a role for many people with the introduction of instant messaging, message boards and chat rooms. Even businesses run their companies on computers and sell online. This can bring up controversy. Some believe that the Internet isolates people and takes away face-to-face interaction. Some studies have been done to see if the Internet causes loneliness. Does this mean that all Internet activity does harm to the world? No, in fact, it can do quite the opposite when actual contact is impossible. Internet has the potential to save lives, connect families and friends, and give ill patients a support system. Internet provides exceptional resources for health information, in particular transplants and organ donations. The web provides a great opportunity to share a wealth of information, and informing people about diseases and providing resources helps a lot in patients’ understanding. For example, TransWeb ( provides a great amount of information on organ transplants and donations. On this site, the latest news, stories and conference information can be found. Another excellent website is the page for the United Network for Organ Sharing ( Under contract from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this nonprofit organization makes sure that â€Å"News, patient information, statistics, data requests, Internet links, and more are available at this site, as well as the bylaws and regulations that govern tissue allocation† (Sjogren). Dan Sjogren also... ...E-mail eases trauma.† Nationwide News 7 Dec. 2003: 34. Lexis-Nexis. Rodney A. Briggs Lib., Morris, MN. 7 Dec. 2003. â€Å"Internet use may benefit survival of minority/ethnic patients.† Cancer Weekly 18 March 2003: 24. Expanded Acadamic ASAP. InfoTrac. Rodney A. Briggs Lib., Morris, MN. 7 Dec. 2003. Minerd, Jeff. â€Å"The decline of conversation: with everybody wired, we are starved for face-to-face conversation.† The Futurist Feb. 1999: 18. Expanded Acadamic ASAP. InfoTrac. Rodney A. Briggs Lib., Morris, MN. 7 Dec. 2003. â€Å"Peer-to-Peer Computing Can Help Speed Pace of AIDS Drug Research.† AIDS Weekly 16 Oct. 2000. Expanded Acadamic ASAP. InfoTrac. Rodney A. Briggs Lib., Morris, MN. 7 Dec. 2003. Sjogren, Dan. â€Å"Transplant information on the World Wide Web.† AORN Journal 68 (1998): 1035. Expanded Acadamic ASAP. InfoTrac. Rodney A. Briggs Lib., Morris, MN. 7 Dec. 2003.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

double standards and church and state :: essays research papers

Double standards are when there are a set of rules for one set of people and another set of rules for another set of people. How dose this pretain to the seperation of church and state do you ask? Relgion in school is my answer. We as students are not supposed to preach our religion in school. But along with that there is also a section within each of our text books that is all about religion. Teachers tell us that those are only classics and we have no reason to complain. Then they expect and incourage us to discuss about the a religiose storys within our text books. This act makes many students religios or not uncomfortable. I know this because I have asked several students how they felt about the issue. One student had told me how he had to go through a discussion an atheist student had brought up about his thoughts and beleifs on religion. This made the student i asked very uncomfortable and angery at the fact that the atheist student was preaching , as my friend felt, against my friends religion to his class. This act of discussing, as the teachers put it, made this sertain student very angery at the fact that the teacher can sit there and let the student preach against someones beliefs. Knowing that many people, not only the student I spoke to, believed in what the atheist was aposeing. So my friend was not the only one angery at that discussion and not showing it, but many were. This issue of discussion also gose other ways. For example, say a Jewish student was assigned ,along with the rest of the class, a religious short story on a Christian belief. When he returns to the school and the teacher starts a discussion on the story. The teacher explains the back ground of the religion and gets into great detail . To this Jewish student this sound alot like preching the Chrisian beliefs to the class. There could also be a different student in the class that had the same problem and he or she just happens to be a Buddist, Muslim, Mormand, ect. This explaining of the Christian religion could sound like preching to anyone with a different religous back ground. Anyone that can make a student quit reciteing the Pledge of Allegiance every day just because of the statement, "One nation under God".

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Law of Increasing Cost Essay

The three types of unemployment are Structural, Frictional and Cyclical Unemployment. Structural unemployment occurs due to the disparity between the skills of a person whose looking for a job and the skills needed for the jobs available thus, the job seeker’s profession or skills is not likely related to that line of work. Frictional Unemployment is another type of unemployment which is strongly related to structural unemployment as the two both depends on the dynamics changes in the economy. Thus, the people who do not even have work may not accept the first job offered to them because of the skills needed for the job and the salary. On the other hand, Cyclical Unemployment is due to lack of demand for work and is attributed to economic contraction. Cyclical Unemployment- the Government should implement and fund a program where in poorer and jobless people with capability can be able to have their own job and receive necessary payment. In doing such thing they can be able to increase productivity and economic efficiency as well as the workers welfare. Answer to question no. The Law of Increasing Cost states that as the Marginal Cost, say X, increases the Cost of the Product, say Y, decreases and vice versa. Thus, the cost of product is dependent and inversely proportional on the marginal cost of that product. Cost of Product (Y) Marginal Cost (X) Answer to question no. 5 A progressive tax is the rate of the taxes that increases as the tax payers’ income increases. The system defends on the percentage of income of an individual. Those high-income people should pay higher percentage of tax than those low-income people. An example of progressive tax is a Graduated Tax. The general sales is said to be regressive because everyone including the rich and the poor utilize it and therefore has to buy goods in order to survive for example clothes, the poor pay more of the percentage of the sales (clothes) tax compare to the rich people, that is why it is regressive. Answer to question no. 6 Inflation hurt the rich and much more the poor people. In order for the rich to uphold their ways of living they are tend to pay much greater price for the goods and services. In a worse case, the poor may not be able to afford those goods and services, thus it posses a threat to their family and to the economy in general. On the other, economist may benefit from inflation since they can somehow predict inflation rate and thus, make appropriate preparations. Answer to question no. 8 Public Good are goods and services that are available for everyone to consume. Also, consumption of these goods does not decrease the availability of the supply. Such good includes information goods and human rights. On the other hand, a private market offers goods that are the exact different of public goods, goods that are good for only one consumption and is for everyone to consume. Thus, the main reason why the public market cannot offer public goods is because public goods are free and the private market, more or less, does not offer free items. Answer to question no. 9 Full employment is define as the state and condition of the national economy, where all of the job seekers are willingly accept the job offers to them regardless of the amount of wages they are about to earn as well as the working conditions. It clearly indicates 0% of people who do not have job or unemployed. Answer to question no. 10 No. It is the objective of the public market to increase revenue and thus, it important to give greater attention to the benefits that the firm will have rather than that of the society. Because positive externalities mean that the society will gain greater benefit than that of the firm, it is likely that the public market will not be able to produce the socially optimal amount of good that is characterize by positive externalities.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Attention levels in children

Topic: Observe a child of under five years and comment on their attention levels in relation to the research carried out by Cooper, Moodey and Reynell ('78). Is their attention at an age appropriate level? Child observed: Hamza Age: 1 year 5 months Attention level develops as a child grows, it develops with age, helping a child concentrate better on his surroundings and learn new things. It is also very important for language development. Hamza is a one and a half year old child who is ery active and is seen getting into mischief at all times of the day.He has a single track of mind when it comes to doing things his way and he is seen playing with his toys for hardly a few minutes at a time. He is fonder of playing with electrical appliances and will cry and whine until he gets what he wants. Then one can see him playing and laughing for a long time. One of his favourite activities is playing with a torch light. He will sit on the floor and play with it, switching it on and off, unti l its atteries run out. Then he starts to whine and his attention has to be diverted with another activity.Hamza likes to open and close the drawers, causing frequent mishaps. At this time, he is not willing to listen to anyone who calls him and does not respond to his name being called out. At times, he screams if he is called over and over again while he is playing with the drawers, indicating that he did not like the interruption. He will rush back into the room and start opening them and exploring he contents of the drawer if someone carries him out and tries to divert his attention.Thus, he displays the rigid attention stage, as he is not easily distracted from his activities. The best way of distracting him is by getting him to play hide and seek. He will forget all about his mischievous activities and rush to search anyone who is hiding, peeping behind the curtains. Then one can see him playing for hours at an end, and frequently the adults get tired of his innocent play, but he continues o play happily, running to go and hide behind the curtains.Here again he displays the rigid attention stage, where he has to be distracted by an activity which he enjoys and the adult ahs to follow his lead, thus motivating him. He displays bouts of anger when he does not get what he wants or when things are not done as he pleases. His rigid attention stage is visible once again when it is time for him to eat. He will not eat a single morsel of food, no matter how he is coaxed until he sees an airplane flying by. As he s busy waving â€Å"Bye! to the airplane, one places a morsel of food into his mouth. After that his mother plays with him as she helps him finish his meal. At this stage he is beyond the fleeting attention stage, as he is better able to concentrate on what he is doing and enjoy his activities. However, he displays clear signs of rigid behavior at this age. Thus, his attention levels are at an age appropriate level in relation to the research by Cooper, Moodey and Reynell.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Broadband Methods

There are several broadband methods that can be used to provide high speed internet access at home. The selection of the method is determined by the requirements, the availability of the hardware which is determined by the location of the user and the installation cost. Some of the most common methods include digital subscribers line (DSL), cable internet and satellite internet among others (Lemke, 2001). Due to its availability and speed relative to other options, I would prefer satellite internet for home use. Digital subscriber line is the most common home internet access method and provides network over the telephone lines.The main advantages of DSL that the subscriber is always connected, the hardware can have multiple uses (it is used as a phone and as an internet access devise at the same time), it provides a wide range of prices depending on the speed and a wide range of service providers. However, its use is limited by varying speed, availability, download limits and the spe cial equipments that must be installed by the telecom company. Cable internet on the other hand uses other coaxial cables other than telephone cables such as the television conduits. This broadband method has the basic advantage of being inexpensive and higher availability.On the other hand, it has the disadvantage of congestion and security problems associated with sharing of the network. Moreover, it is more suitable for multiple computers in home use (Steve Internet Guide, 2010). Satellite internet consists of a mini satellite disc mounted by a service provider. It has the advantage of always being connected and high speed. It is however more expensive compared to other options (Gustafson, 2005). Reference Gustafson, C. J. (2005). Disgusted With Dialup? – Compare DSL Providers, Cable and Satellite Internet to See If One Is Right for you, retrieved on July 9, 2010 from:http://www. buzzle. com/editorials/1-27-2006-87484. asp. Lemke, T. (2001). Cable, DSL or satellite? High-s peed internet connections can download information 50 times faster than a standard 56-kilobyte modem. But technology hasn't caught up with demand, retrieved on July 9, 2010 from: http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1571/is_47_17/ai_80900393/? tag=content;col1#comments Steve Internet Guide (2010). Broadband Internet Connection Methods, retrieved on July 9, 2010 from: http://www. steves-internet-guide. com/Broadband-Internet-Connections. php

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Is Lying Bad?

Imagine the president of the United States telling everyone that if they spend all of their money until they go bankrupt, then the president will reimburse you, plus get an extra three million dollars. After everyone is totally bankrupt, they figure out that the president was lying and now there is an extremely slight chance that they will ever get their money back. Many people believe that lying is one of the worst things a person can do. They view it as something that hurts everyone and eventually destroys or consumes the person that lies. Others believe that lying can be the best way to handle a situation. They view it as protecting someone's feelings or calming a difficult situation. Many people in our lives share the belief that sometimes the truth isn't is everyone's best interest, but it should be. First and foremost, lying effects you extremely. If you tell a little white lie such as, â€Å"Does this dress make me look fat? † â€Å"No! â€Å", then you may have some guilt riding on your shoulders. If you tell a huge, important lie, then the guilt will be riding on your shoulders like a one thousand pound weight. For instance, what the president did. After a pointless lie, the whole nation is totally poor and most likely starved because of the lack of money for food and water. People lie everyday to, in someway or another, keep themselves out of trouble. Many teenagers will lie to their parents about what they are doing for the evening, how much of their homework they have done, or how that glass vase got broken while they were out of town. We even lie to our boyfriends or girlfriends about who that other boy was that called the house or what exactly we did with our friends last night. All anyone is trying to accomplish by this is to stay out of trouble when we know we've done wrong; but we never think of the effects of lying. Although we think we're being sly, parents are usually smarter than we give them credit for! Eventually there will be no point in telling this lie any longer because be then, everyone has already found out! Then the problem becomes the issue of trust. If you lie, there is no trust. That can be one of the serious consequences of lying. You should never have to lie, or deceive any one. Lies are empty. Evil is simply hurting yourself or others, and lies can do that, even when you don't think they are. Lying can also effect others in a negative way too. How about lying to impress other people? More common in children and teenagers, we lie to make others think we're cool, and when you really think about it, that's the part that's not cool! Most young people care too much about what others think about them. If you tell even the littlest lie, it will harm you in the long run. For instance, your friend asks you if you want to hang out or maybe do something. You say that you can't because you are too busy studying and drowning in school work. Even though, you are actually having the time of your life with some other friends at Golf World. About fifteen minutes late, you look towards the door and here comes your poor, lonely friend through the big glass doors. She spots you, stares sadly for a moment, and then leaves. That is all it takes. One small lie and there you go, one less trustworthy, good friend. To sum it all up, lying is always and entirely bad. Whether it is a small, white lie or a big, important lie it can still hurt you or someone else. Lying effects you in a negative way, making you carry guilt, losing trust, and lying for dumb reasons such as to impress others. Lying effects others in a negative way also, because others might think bad about them or you might just make them look ignorant. It is wrong because it is being deceitful to lie. White lies don't benefit anyone but the person lying. It makes them feel better because they don't want to confront the actual issue at hand. Imagine a world where no one ever told the truth. How would you ever find the truth? How would you deal with having to live in a life of lies? â€Å"Liars when they speak the truth are not believed. † —Aristotle. So why even lie at all?

Explanation of Richard Dyers Model for Analyzing Star Image Essay

Explanation of Richard Dyers Model for Analyzing Star Image - Essay Example Dyer explains that stars are images and not actual people. As images, every star should represent a particular ideology. The success of a star arises from his ability to represent such ideologies both consistently and effectively. This way, the audience develops a unique perception of the star a feature that influences their consumption of successive films starring every star (Being & Rutsky, 2001). A star must, therefore, represent particular social values. Successful stars make successful films. However, the success in this context originates from the ability of a director to use a specific star effectively in a manner that makes him or her represent the various social values the audience anticipates from them. Additionally, Dyer explains that the media creates a star out of several materials including adverts, films, magazines and even music videos among others. In order to create a star, all the above media content must present the star in a similar manner thus making such stars represent consistent ideologies. Institutions create celebrities and icons for financial gains. This implies that celebrities sell specific ideological dimensions to their target audience thus earning financial gains for the developers (Allen & Gomery, 1985). People pay billions of dollars to watch films for various reasons key among which is the character staring in a film. Audiences develop divergent views and mindsets about a star. They, therefore, watch a film while investigating the portrayal of the particular star. Such explanations validate the star theory, which defines stars in four key points. The theory explains that stars have capital value, are deviant, constructs and have cultural values. Stars break rules in the society a feature that enhances their ideologies as presented in the films.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Hollywood goes to history books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hollywood goes to history books - Essay Example This supposedly unsinkable ship was laid waste by an iceberg and this tragic event has been pasteurized many times over. The most successful of them being, the starrer â€Å"Titanic† directed by one of the greatest Hollywood names, James Cameron. This movie uses the real incident of the sinking Titanic while weaving a beautiful love story between Rose, the high-society English girl and Jack Dawson, the drifter, who was in the hope of making a better life for himself by migrating to America. James Cameron has taken great pains to recreate the ship, the ambience, the costumes, the language, and the sensibilities of the era, but falls short in his depiction of the romance between Jack and Rose. The social structure of the era was extremely rigid and romance between a lady of high society and a poor lad was something unheard of. Though the romance between the two characters was fictional, yet the onus lies with the director to portray society in the way it existed. â€Å"Titanic† the movie is more a feast for the eyes, a tale of puppy love, where action and romance are treated with such extravagance, that the ship and its tragedy get relegated into the background that served more like a prop, than the real incident that took place. â€Å"Pocahontas† is one of the most successful movies from the Disney studios. It is an animated version of the real story of Pocahontas, the daughter of the Red Indian Chief, Powhatan. It deals with the friendship between Pocahontas and the Englishman Captain John Smith and of how she saves his life by putting her head on top of his, when he was sentenced to die by being clubbed to death. As with all forms of art, here also artistic license is quite evident. The story differs from the actual sequence of events in more ways than one - the age of characters, their physical appearance with the

Monday, August 12, 2019

Contractor case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Contractor case study - Essay Example b. Public liability insurance details c. Details of any licensed security to be employed In reply to our correspondence with the Liquor and Gambling Commission, we were told that alcohol will not be sold or supplied to intoxicated persons or persons under the age of 18 years and we should ensure the safety and comfort of those attending the function by not permitting overcrowding in any area. We were also asked to display the limited license in a prominent position during the whole of the function. Lastly we were asked to nominated person(s) to take responsibility for the sale, consumption or supply of liquor during the function i.e. the applicant or nominated person organizing or taking control of the function, must be present at the function at all times when liquor is being sold, consumed or supplied. (Office of Liquor & Gambling Commissioner 2003, Government of South Australia) Draft of the letter sent to the Council: To Whom It May Concern ____________ (***Your Organization Name***) will be organizing an Outdoor Cinema Night at the "Mrs.Macquaries Char" of Sydney Botanic Gardens, which we hope shall be a fun-filled evening. The event will officially start at 7pm on the 14th of May 2008, first featuring the performance by the dance troop, then we shall be having a break for food and drinks the evening will end with the broadcast of "Bourne Supremacy" at "OpenAir Cinema", Mrs.Macquaries Point from 9pm to 12 pm. Yours Sincerely, ________________(***Your Organization Name****) Contractors: - We will be making use of various contractors: 1. "Be Productions": Be Productions is a Sydney based production company and national leaders in Open-Air Cinema event management. Be Productions will be undertaking for us, the complete set-up and...entertainment consent/trading hours). In reply to our correspondence with the Liquor and Gambling Commission, we were told that alcohol will not be sold or supplied to intoxicated persons or persons under the age of 18 years and we should ensure the safety and comfort of those attending the function by not permitting overcrowding in any area. We were also asked to display the limited license in a prominent position during the whole of the function. Lastly we were asked to nominated person(s) to take responsibility for the sale, consumption or supply of liquor during the function i.e. the applicant or nominated person organizing or taking control of the function, must be present at the function at all times when liquor is being sold, consumed or supplied. (Office of Liquor & Gambling Commissioner 2003, Government of South Australia) The event will officially start at 7pm on the 14th of May 2008, first featuring the performance by the dance troop, then we shall be having a break for food and drinks the evening will end with the broadcast of "Bourne Supremacy" at "OpenAir Cinema", Mrs.Macquaries Point from 9pm to 12 pm. All Time Securities success is driven through innovation and customer satisfaction.